Thanks to the Supporters of Colegio Kids!
Ellen and I are so very happy to give thanks for the support the organization has received in a difficult year.
Schools in the United States taught virtual lessons for most of this academic year; colegios in the school system of the Dominican Episcopal Diocese were no different. The teaching/learning process continued, despite limitations on Internet connectivity and computer equipment. Teachers provided learning experience with cellphones and “hot spots”. Their dedication, creativity and resourcefulness inspired, even amazed us. Kudos to the staff members at our Dominican partner schools.
With conditions so uncertain, donors might have hesitated, but you did not do so. Two funding calls through FaceBook and a more traditional mailing campaign yielded significant results. Our partner school, Colegio San Esteban, received scholarship funds only somewhat reduced from the previous year. And, the renewal of the Colegio Kids website and FacBook page drew 110+ “friends” and followers.
We look forward to a continuing partnership bringing a quality education to the future citizens of the Dominican Republic.
Tom McGowan